Saturday, September 3, 2011


The Boss of Star Fox 64's "Titania" level. Apparently just an alien monster, not part of Andross's schemes.
Just look at this poor thing. Droopy eyes, barely any flesh on him (most of which falls off as it takes damage), mouthparts flapping pitifully, looking like some sickly mix of dog and unicorn. I love it.
Despite appearances it's a formidable foe, able to fire lasers and even pull itself back together. The only way to actually harm it is to shoot its barely concealed organs.
I'm not sure what exactly these are. Hearts, maybe?
Goras was only one of a species on Titania. Several skeletons looking near identical to it are littered across the level.
Goras is set to reappear in the 3DS remake with vastly improved graphics, though still as sickly as ever. I daresay he looks even more skeletal and emaciated.
Goras (or another of its species) also appears in the manga Farewell, Beloved Falco, under control of the evil Captain Shears. This Goras is nearly all-green and sports some seemingly artificial tubes sticking out of its head and back, presumably added to control it (or, if its the same one from the game, to revive it).

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